Currently, I have decided that I will create the story/ script myself, but if any one would like to chip in while I do this thats fine.
I have one voice over person so far... heck I might provide a voice, but thats most unlikely.
Currently I am looking into hiring an animator, or two. Just so it is not like I'm am depending on the hard work of one. I also provide character concepts, so you will know who will be in the animation.
The setting takes place in a semi-futuristic world. Where robots are a common thing to see.
There were somethings like that I forgot to input in the thread I started. Such as maybe providing the story myself, and getting some advice on how to change it and make it better.
Doesn't sound like this will be too, too hard. Just may take some time and patience for everyone to gather. Still may need more voice overs, but I can find a couple in my neighborhood that are pretty good if all else fails.